Another Smack at It

Tegan Nox & Natalya. Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell. Piper Niven & Chelsea Green. All three tag teams have something in common. Besides watching Asuka & Kairi Sane successfully defend the WWE Women's Tag Team Titles against The KC Express on the February 5, 2024 episode of Monday Night RAW. They have all suffered significant loses in the last month. Recently, a miscommunication between Nox and Natalya cost them a non-title match against Asuka and Sane, bumping them to the very back of the queue next to former champions Niven and Green.

February 8, 2024. St Louis, Missouri. Enterprise Center. WWE Main Event. Tegan returned to her Summer 2023 stomping grounds, teaming with former Main Event rival Natalya against Chelsea Green & Piper Niven. Normally, any opportunity to smack Chelsea Green is a victory in itself for Tegan Nox. But the tandem of Nox and Natalya are on a five match losing streak. Six if you count the Royal Rumble. They needed a decisive victory over the former champions whose successful title defense against them last November was the beginning of their losing streak.

In the early going of this tag team match, Nox got caught off a charge by Niven in wheelbarrow position, however stunned everyone by literally hitting Piper with a stunner. Piper staggered and crashed, taking comfort in Chelsea's arms. Natalya and Nox smacked them with double running kicks. Chelsea blind tagged Piper in during an atomic drop, resulting in Natalya getting crushed with a basement crossbody from Niven. Tegan tried to come to her partner's aid only to get bodyslammed by Piper onto Natalya.

Tegan could sense what was coming next so acted as a shield, draping herself over Natalya to take the brunt of Piper's running senton. Chelsea tagged in and worked Natalya over in the corner, trying to keep her far away from making a tag. But Natalya would reach her corner after a bit of a scuffle, tagging in Nox. The Welsh Dragon was breathing fire with a running uppercut, charging uppercut in the corner and cannonboar. Nox was headed to the top but saw Niven on the floor coming at her and stopped her in her tracks with a PK from the apron.

Chelsea wobbled to her feet only to crash back to the canvas courtesy of a Tegan crossbody from the top rope. Nox held on for a pin only getting two. Tegan tagged in Natalya. Chelsea had the honor of getting mowed down with The Hart Attack, the famed tag team finisher of Natalya's father Jim Niedhart and her uncle Bret "Hitman" Hart. Natalya covered Green for the pin but Piper made a last second save. Tegan sent Piper shoulder first into the turnbuckle post, taking her briefly out of play so Natalya could apply the sharpshooter to Green.

Before Chelsea got locked in the sharpshooter, she sent Nox to the floor with a Rough Ryder. Piper interfered, forcing Natalya to break the hold. She went to apply it to Niven allowing Green to roll Natalya up for two. The pissed off Natalya dropped Chelsea and applied the sharpshooter a second time. Tegan took out Piper with a tumbleweed off the apron. Chelsea tapped. Tegan and Natalya ended their losing streak with a hard-fought, much needed victory. Tegan was so excited she wanted to give Chelsea some more but sadly, Natalya and the referee convinced her not to.

Monday Night RAW 2/05/2024 Content

WWE Main Event 2/08/2024 Content

Additional Info | Natalya & Tegan Nox defeated Chelsea Green & Piper Niven (5:30) on the February 8, 2024 episode of WWE Main Event from Enterprise Center in St. Louis, Missouri.

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